Our mission is to ensure the stability and security of the Texas Medical Liability Insurance Underwriting Association (JUA) for our member companies and insured health care providers and facilities with sound investment policies, rate adequacy, and consistent underwriting and claims services.
For updates to the JUA’s Plan of Operations, please refer to the Texas Department of Insurance’s website for adopted amendments.
Licensed insurers who write any form of liability insurance, including Risk Retention Groups or companies who do not write medical malpractice, are required to be members of the JUA. Licensed insurers have a contingent liability for assessments in the event of a deficit sustained by the JUA in a single year. Each member is required to participate based on their percentage of net direct premium written in Texas compared to the total written premium of all members.
The JUA was initially funded in 1975 by an assessment on private member insurers to provide for start-up funds. Policies were issued by servicing carriers until the JUA retained full time staff. After the initial funding, premiums paid by private health care providers were used to pay losses and expenses. There were no state funds provided to the JUA.
Per Section 5.2002 (b) (1) of Plan of Operation of the Texas Medical Liability Insurance Underwriting Association (JUA), any insurer authorized to write and engaged in writing any liability insurance, requires such insurer to become a member on the first day of January immediately following the date such insurer engaged in writing such insurance. Upon becoming a member, there is a one-time initial expense fee of $100.
Member companies are notified of the JUA's annual meeting that takes place in September. Prior to this annual meeting, a notification letter is also provided with the opportunity to submit nominations of consideration to become a JUA Board Member.
A Board of Directors, elected by the member companies, directs the business and affairs of the JUA subject to the supervision and control, at all times, of the Texas Department of Insurance.
Pursuant to the Texas Insurance Code Section 2203.02, the JUA is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors. The Board of Directors, composed of five representatives of insurers, are required to be association members and elected by association members, one physician appointed by the Texas Medical Association, one representative of hospitals appointed by the Texas Hospital Association, and two public members appointed by the Texas Department of Insurance Commissioner.
The Executive Director reports directly to the Board of Directors of the JUA and is responsible for the administration of all functions and services as may be reasonably required by the Board to provide for the economic, fair and nondiscriminatory management of the JUA.
Executive Director, Jessica Fontenot
Underwriting Manager, Mable Keith
Claim Manager, Leslie Krafve
Tess Frazier – Chair
Ty Simmons – Vice Chair
Steve Simmons – Secretary/Treasurer
Min Choi
Douglas Curran, MD
Jarrett Hill
Dana Jokerst
Kenneth McDaniel
Denise Miller
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